Wednesday 16 April, 2008

What-A-Phony Tuesday ?

All "Other" telecom customers must think that the What-A-Phony telecom customers get lucky on tuesdays. I mean free movie tickets! Who doesn't want them!??! :|
But little do they know 'bout the inside story. Heres a sneak peek..
First we generate a movie coupon on our mobile phones that charges Rs. 3..But thats like hardly anything as compared to a free movie ticket!
So we happily leave our homes, drive to the cinema hall only to find complete chaos at the ticket counter. We look at the ticket rates and whoa! The ticket rates are soaring high not only for the weekends but for TUESDAY too..!:-O
So we say "what the heck..its just like 30 bucks more!" In India 50% discount is a BIG DEAL! If you buy a piece of cloth (useless...mind you!) for a 100 rupees which was priced at 200 rupees you say "hey! good bargain"
We notice some people yelling on top of their voices, really busy pressing buttons on their cellphones and people inquiring "yeh nahi chalega kya? " with retard expressions.
Hmm....It does sound like a "business" market...but lo and behold..! It is the coupon counter...where they convert your mobile generated coupon to a print coupon..(and you're sayin India is advancing technologically?)
We joined in a queue only to see that a few people were cheating their way in....(REMINDER: We are STILL in INDIA)
We waited and waited..
Hell i even read all those posters and disclaimers put on the walls. I actually thought those were wall-art used to make the place look attractive :P Did you know children below the age of 2 don't need a ticket :-O
So we waited and waited...cutting it short (waited)^1854 (thats just my lucky number!) (:|
As we were sweating it out (quite literally) standing in the queue...those people at the counter were enjoying conditioned air..which i secretly hoped was poisoned like in all those detective soaps and all..
Finally we got our coupon...! And theres another huge line for the ticket and we follow the procedure aforementioned...
When we get into the theatre to watch the movie #:-S and just begin to think 'its gonna be worth it'..Somebody makes a stupid movie like Kakiji 4 or U Me and Tumtum! and make us regret out decision...
And guys if you think you at least saved some bucks! Lemme tell ya...
If "Time is Money"
At the end of it all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, its wonderful!
So finally you watched a movie!