Thursday 17 April, 2008

IIT- JEE (Joint Electrocution & Execution)

3.2 lac people all over the country appeared for IIT JEE this year...and they say they don't know how many "Krazzy People" in the country..?
So what if it is one of the toughest exams in the country..Everyone has to try their luck..! I can guarantee that only 5% of the total crowd gave the exam seriously and guess what?...All of them get selected..!
The rest just like adventure...Their adrenaline rushes up while entering the torture chamber..facing question they can NEVER answer :-SS..and swear at non living things like - the questions, the god damn options...and their pencils ..(why did you accompany me?..Don't laugh at me!! X( )
Also summer being such a beautiful season to write an exam..we not only sent our answers..but also huge amounts of sweat...#:-S
On the positive side...they could decide if the person is genuine by conducting a DNA test on the cells or something...:-B
But what I really liked was the variety in the expressions on the faces of the students..
Yeah India does have DIVERSITY...*applause* =D>
I could see students frantically biting off their nails :-SS...people completely puzzled @-)...some actually understanding the questions and solving and smiling..*add swear here* (How i hate them!) I also saw a few sleeping and drooling over their paper I-) *wonders what they were dreaming about * Why don't they let mobile phones in at all the wrong places...? this was worth capturing..! * Grins showing off her B-) new mobile phone with camera :P *
Also there was me..observing everyone...I was very CONFIDENT that i knew nothing! :P
I had such a wonderful time sitting in the convocation hall at IIT Bombay..*resents their attitude problem to change Bombay to Mumbai *
I had so much time that I even imagined getting my degree...*glimmering eyes*
Well thats about it..!
One request...Don't tell my mom...*pleads making a puppy face *


Anonymous said...

This is a very serious issue that has to be brought to notice of the JEE authorities, after all they have all the rights to know how students feel when they give JEE like some love to sleep over it and others enjoy just marking answers(they feel its fun cuz they havent marked an OMR answer sheet before). Crazy it may sound but I too was sleeping partly *applause*.
Coming to the point at the end of it all, beautifully written!

Anonymous said...

just blew me off
You endured all this?
Phew, i'm not into this stuff...
liked it