Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Come Waste Your Time... All Over Again...

As I go to a beautiful (not even close) school in Vashi to write an exam that I care(hardly) about...
I am visited by the memories from school..from college....(yah..! I ACCEPT! the sick dusty board and scarcity of air was making me hallucinate)
SO...when I got over it...and finally came to my senses....I had a look around..It was the same old story...the story that I would..today...like to share....

Everywhere you go...for Educational (supposedly) purposes...you are certain to find a particular set of people...each true to their type...
Lemme enlighten you..

1. The Snob:[-(
As the name suggests he has the best brains, best hair, best looks, best clothes..blah...blah...according to him...
And he is WRONG...He enters the class..pulls out a chair..misses...THUD!!...and believes everyone has forgotten...

2. The Know-It-All:#:-S
This is the category in which people who don't know me would put me..(and people who know me wanna put me in JAIL! and people who know me really well..wanna THROW me into the MENTAL ASYLUM) :P
This category..especially has a really strong arm...
I mean...to put it up...for every damn question asked! #:-S
They can be easily recognised by the crowd around them during the exams..!

3. The Illiterate::(
This category is completely the opposite of the Know-It-All...
He often makes us wonder.."God! How did he even get this far!"..
Still don't get it...arrey it is the guy who hides under the bench every time a question is asked...

4. The babe:
Ya..the one on you just pictured...that's the one I'm talking about :P *applauds at her own wit*

5. The Wannabe:;;)
This category really pisses me off...Either you be or don't be....Don't hang around in the middle...
This is the girl who wears red lipstick with a blue eyeshadow and yellow clothes...for the guys who don't get it...Its someone you must've hardly noticed..!
Among the guys...its those guys..who wear sweat bands in winter, sunglasses in the class...n yeah..dare to bare and make everyone stare...yah..you must know them.

6. The Jester:<:-P
These are the really cool people in the class...They make classes worth attending...
I don't need to explain them...They are just our favourites!...

7. The Supposedly Cool/Hot:
Ya..these are the ones who get all the hot girls in the class...and also get the lowest marks!! *applause*
This also includes the "my-short-tee-covers-up-for-my-tiny-brain" and "I'm- broke-so-I-wear-rags" girls..*applauds at her own wit again*
They are the piss off kings and queens...

8. The Bookworm: :-B
This includes the selfish, TEXT book loving, fun hating, "no-time-to-waste" people...Its like the funny bone was forcefully extracted from their bodies or something! Never seen them? Try attending a class and look at the first bench..You can hardly catch them anywhere else..They fight for 0.000000001 mark that the teacher should have given! They wont ask you for help...nor will they help you...and if you accidentally score better than them..then don't worry...its they who are gonna slog harder...relax!

9. The Nervous Wreck: :-SS
This category people have a strange affinity for the three Ts -- tension, trouble and tears...
Every time an exam comes up..they become insomniac and insane as well...A single tiny unit test seems to them a huge threat to their dream of becoming something BIG :P...

10. The Sleeping Beauty: I-)
He is the guy who neither catches the last nor the first bench...He prefers the middle benches..that give him enough padding to hide himself...and have a nice long nap..He prefers to sleep in class...and cause no botheration to the teachers. *wonders what he does at night*..
Maybe at night he has to device an evil plan to conquer the world..!

11. The Newspaper:
Is there anything you want the entire world to know in minutes...A news? A rumour? Why waste time in ads...Use the official class newspaper...She can spread news at the speed of light....TRUST ME!
Words don't leave your mouth and the second girl sitting on the third row in the fifth classroom to your right knows about it....! Now that's FAST!

12. The General Public:
Bole toh apun log...
These are the huge masses who have loads of time to waste...and a LITTLE time to study( this line dedicated to my akka)
They are those who have fun, fight, laugh, cry...bole toh...live!
They are also the category..who put other people into categories..:P

I'm sorry...I really have nothing better to do...."BETTER" I said...so exclude STUDY...
Now that you are terribly bored...you might as well take a shower...!
I'll catch you later *devilish laugh*
See ya!

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Shruti for Joey

Sometimes I think I am well suited to play Joey in F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
Heres why...
  • Random Conversations with Shruti
Di:Hey Shantu..Nice haircut...
Akka: Well thanks..its a drastic change na?
Di: Ya even a two year old could tell you had a haircut..
Shru: Hey di!
Di: Hey shru..your akka has a great haircut na?
Shru: hahaha...you're kidding...serious?

Akka: Shru come for breakfast
Shru: May I have the pastry you kept for the baby?
Akka:Shru grow up..don't act like a kid...how can you even think like that?!!
Shru: So...may I have the pastry?

Sk: Hey shru welcome to my restaurant..! It cost me a crore rupees to buy this place!
Shru: cool! its fantastic! who owns this place?

Shru hiding behind the door..
Akka: Shru i know you're here...
Shru: No im not!
Akka: So who is this? (pulling open the door)
Shru: (lousy at lying) Its a mirror! Its you!

  • Some facts about her:
  1. Empties the house of all the food and blames the fridge for having eaten it
  2. Works only when praised.
  3. Ok..fine..never works
  4. Eats all through the day!
  5. If not eating..talking gibberish
  6. Hurts herself with cotton (Don't ask me how!)
  7. Is the typical "tubelight" for every joke..
The only thing missing is that Im not a soap opera star!:( :((
Please please...I'll even act in Kyonki chaas bhi kabhi dahi thi...
Please [-o<

IIT- JEE (Joint Electrocution & Execution)

3.2 lac people all over the country appeared for IIT JEE this year...and they say they don't know how many "Krazzy People" in the country..?
So what if it is one of the toughest exams in the country..Everyone has to try their luck..! I can guarantee that only 5% of the total crowd gave the exam seriously and guess what?...All of them get selected..!
The rest just like adventure...Their adrenaline rushes up while entering the torture chamber..facing question they can NEVER answer :-SS..and swear at non living things like - the questions, the god damn options...and their pencils ..(why did you accompany me?..Don't laugh at me!! X( )
Also summer being such a beautiful season to write an exam..we not only sent our answers..but also huge amounts of sweat...#:-S
On the positive side...they could decide if the person is genuine by conducting a DNA test on the cells or something...:-B
But what I really liked was the variety in the expressions on the faces of the students..
Yeah India does have DIVERSITY...*applause* =D>
I could see students frantically biting off their nails :-SS...people completely puzzled @-)...some actually understanding the questions and solving and smiling..*add swear here* (How i hate them!) I also saw a few sleeping and drooling over their paper I-) *wonders what they were dreaming about * Why don't they let mobile phones in at all the wrong places...? this was worth capturing..! * Grins showing off her B-) new mobile phone with camera :P *
Also there was me..observing everyone...I was very CONFIDENT that i knew nothing! :P
I had such a wonderful time sitting in the convocation hall at IIT Bombay..*resents their attitude problem to change Bombay to Mumbai *
I had so much time that I even imagined getting my degree...*glimmering eyes*
Well thats about it..!
One request...Don't tell my mom...*pleads making a puppy face *

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

What-A-Phony Tuesday ?

All "Other" telecom customers must think that the What-A-Phony telecom customers get lucky on tuesdays. I mean free movie tickets! Who doesn't want them!??! :|
But little do they know 'bout the inside story. Heres a sneak peek..
First we generate a movie coupon on our mobile phones that charges Rs. 3..But thats like hardly anything as compared to a free movie ticket!
So we happily leave our homes, drive to the cinema hall only to find complete chaos at the ticket counter. We look at the ticket rates and whoa! The ticket rates are soaring high not only for the weekends but for TUESDAY too..!:-O
So we say "what the heck..its just like 30 bucks more!" In India 50% discount is a BIG DEAL! If you buy a piece of cloth (useless...mind you!) for a 100 rupees which was priced at 200 rupees you say "hey! good bargain"
We notice some people yelling on top of their voices, really busy pressing buttons on their cellphones and people inquiring "yeh nahi chalega kya? " with retard expressions.
Hmm....It does sound like a "business" market...but lo and behold..! It is the coupon counter...where they convert your mobile generated coupon to a print coupon..(and you're sayin India is advancing technologically?)
We joined in a queue only to see that a few people were cheating their way in....(REMINDER: We are STILL in INDIA)
We waited and waited..
Hell i even read all those posters and disclaimers put on the walls. I actually thought those were wall-art used to make the place look attractive :P Did you know children below the age of 2 don't need a ticket :-O
So we waited and waited...cutting it short (waited)^1854 (thats just my lucky number!) (:|
As we were sweating it out (quite literally) standing in the queue...those people at the counter were enjoying conditioned air..which i secretly hoped was poisoned like in all those detective soaps and all..
Finally we got our coupon...! And theres another huge line for the ticket and we follow the procedure aforementioned...
When we get into the theatre to watch the movie #:-S and just begin to think 'its gonna be worth it'..Somebody makes a stupid movie like Kakiji 4 or U Me and Tumtum! and make us regret out decision...
And guys if you think you at least saved some bucks! Lemme tell ya...
If "Time is Money"
At the end of it all...

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Hope @ Heart

All world is my enemy
'I' am my biggest foe
Nowhere have I been so far
Nowhere can I go

My wings have been cut
And my strengths all shattered
My companions betrayed me
Power is all that mattered

Now as I look around me
Frowns are all I see
I look for a reason
A reason for me to be

Kill me..!! Why dont you?
Have I anything left?
I have nothing to give or to take
Nothing that I gave or kept

My soul is now scarred
My Mind is ever worried
Feelings are now scared
Deep inside buried

Drowning in this flood
Of pain and sorrow
All i have is a heart with Hope
A Hope of a better tomorrow.