Friday 3 October, 2008

Ganda Jayanti!

On this not-so-auspicious day..of Gandhi Jayanti...or Lal Bahadur shastri Jayanti...or whatever! :|

I've decided to not swear at any of those guys..
As I...look at all the terribly boring programmes on the life of this one gandhi guy..and discuss stuff with my parents..what is one question in my mind is..
"What the hell is going on?!!?"

I mean...Look at our history text full of praises for all the political leaders..! And makes us wonder how someone could be so great..(not really!)
And once outta school we read autobiographies of real people..and..interact with people who have lived in the past...(and are still alive! )...
And the scene there is terrible...the sick games these people have played to win power..Its soooo SICK!

I mean...before pointing a Finger...or two at karan johar..for making movies on "socially unacceptable" issues...Look at your so called.."great leaders"
Most of their children are not their own!

They say..."If you cant say anythin good, dont say anything at all!"
But I think.."if you cant speak the truth..keep your bloody mouth shut!"

I mean why confuse the kid!
Who cares if those dead people were good or bad..!
They didnt do us any good...I mean all this crap about gandhi getting us freedom! Is all bullshit! Everyone knows...(n if not should know now!) that the UN decided that each of the colonies...should be asked if they want freedom or still be a part of the colony after World War II...And it was NOT because of Gandhi-Bandhi...or anyone else!

That guy just delayed our independence...and ruled out..self proclaimed independence!

*i wont swear!*

So..Commin to the oh-so-absent point!...I wish that all out text books..get rid of all the lies..even if they give us half the should be the truth..
I know that.."history is written by the victorious" ...
But "truth can never be hidden!"


Post Script: Sorry to make this post so dull and grey...But thats how things are in my mind right now!


Anonymous said...

I wish that all out text books..get rid of all the lies..even if they give us half the should be the truth..

Half truth can be much more disastrous than complete lies or truth!!!

Anonymous said...

i will always contrdict you....
don mind the spellings....s
hjfgbj bagnvuczmvf
****i'm addicted to this..****
u ucgbcnsuyzg

can you call me ganda???
ya if you get hold of the 'taklya'
uske takle pe chamat mar....
c****** saala....***sorry for the swear****

Crazy Candy said...

@anonymous"1"..: oh...well...its written in utter frustration...

but i feel...if we r told half the truth....we can find out the rest of it...
atleast we have no misconceptions

@anonymous 2...: firstly...are u ashamed of ur names? why do u post as anonymous...
dum hai toh saamne aa :P

as for contradicting me...u dont contradict me...i contradict the WORLD..! :P

Anonymous said...

Anonymous1 n anonymous2 r different persons.. ok....
no misconceptions...

Unknown said...

I can see you fuming and raging, while writing the post. well, I have my ideas/ beliefs too, but I prefer to put a lid on it. Afterall, I wasn't alive during that period, and half of them do trust the history text book.

Anyways... for your brave attempt to put forth your thoughts - Good going gal!!


Anonymous said...

When will u write more blogs?

Anonymous said...

Zieg Heil!

Hitler Rules!

Gandhi Sucks!

Crazy Candy said...

oye...i will..i will...but b'lore is sooooo dull...nothin to write...also the scedule is tight...i dont even have time to....ZAPP!!!...

Anonymous said...

Hi Shrutu, Nice to see you blogging away. I also saw that Shantu has a blog too. Good stuff! Take care, have fun and keep writing! Add me to your list of readers now :)