Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Brain Dead Line

Today the ministers declared that parties can go on in Mumbai on 31st Dec, 2013 until 5 am and the commissioner of police gave the deadline of 1.30 am. The police say that this is for the safety of girls. While they continue disputing, lets consider both scenarios. If the party at clubs ends at 1.30, its not like the girls who party till 1.30 will go home after the party. They will crash at a friends empty house or house party. Now where is there a higher chance of a girl getting raped? At a full club? Or an empty house? Didn't we learn anything from 24? :P So the police is rooting for the girls travelling back home in the middle of the night and not at 5am at the break of dawn! Hmmm..interesting! The police also seems to think a girls protection depends on the time that the party ends. So the curfew for the party is essential to be discussed and capital punishment for rapists is for a later date. My request to police stop blaming late night parties or any other silly things like that for rapes! The only cause is perversion in the minds of males! If you want to scare them off then the punishment must be castration in public!
Jan Hit mein Jaari!

Happy safe new year everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice... True. But nothing will be able to stop such thing happen. Completely.