Wednesday 16 January, 2008

Who's to blame?

hey everyone....
ok i know everyone includes those infinitesmally small number of people who i force to read my blog..
comming to the point...
You know sometimes people dont speak loud enough and we say "Excuse ME..." or "Pardon ME..."
Well what the hell was my fault...? Why do we have to apologise coz the person in front cant speak loudly...Why should I be excused or pardoned?
Why cant we just say "Hey! Thats not loud enough!" or "Nope..Speak louder" ?
Apologising for someone else's mistake is Good Manners?
Its like someone kills your spouse...and you say.." oops..! My Bad! "
Riddiculous isn't it?
Think 'bout it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done. I must say that you yourself are too polite to say these words. Arent you? Think for yourself